Effect of biological and chemical elicitors on the photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant activities of Withania somnifera

Main Article Content

Veena Pande
Nitin Kumar Sharma
Mayank Pandey


Background & aim: Withania somnifera, popularly known as Aswagandha has an immense value in Ayurveda. In the present
study we aimed to evaluate the Effect of different elicitors on the photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant activities of Withania
somnifera. Methods: The seeds of W. somnifera were subjected to elicitors before sowing. Both the controlled as well as treated
plants were subjected to various biochemical analysis using standard methods. Results & conclusion: The chlorophyll, carotenoid,
phenol, flavonoid, proline contents were found to be higher in elicitor treated plants compared to control. Among those treated
with elicitor, plants treated with Pseudomonas flourescens showed the great increase in the phenolic and flavonoid contents,
proving it to be a better elicitor.


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How to Cite
Veena Pande, Nitin Kumar Sharma, & Mayank Pandey. (2015). Effect of biological and chemical elicitors on the photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant activities of Withania somnifera. International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (IJFAS), 4(2), 50–55. https://doi.org/10.59415/ijfas.v4i2.74
Author Biography

Veena Pande

Department of Biotechnology, Kumaun university, Bhimtal Campus,
Bhimtal. Uttarakhand- 263136, India
Phone no. +91 9412419725
E-mail: veena_kumaun@yahoo.co.in