Study of Microbial Cytokinin Production Under Various Enriched Conditions and its Effect on Plant Growth

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Sasmita Sabat
Shantha S L
V Krishna Murthy


ACKGROUD & OBJECTIVE: The present study highlights the effect of various nitrogen supplements responsible
for the growth and production of microbial cytokinin. METHODOLOGY: During the experimental process it is
compared with the production of cytokinin by different organisms, viz; Rhizobium sp, Bacillus subtilis BC1,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and E.coli K12. The microbial cytokinin thus produced was tested for its effect on plant
growth and shoot induction in a test plant, Phylodendron xanadu. RESULTS: According to the results observed E.coli
K12 synthesized 0.186 mg/L amount of cytokinin in PM2. On the other hand, Bacillus subtilis BC1 showed the least
production of cytokinin as compared to the other two. For this organism the amounts produced were 0.044 mg/L in PM1
and 0.0075 mg/L in PM2. CONCLUSION: The conclusion may be drawn as that PM1 is good for Rhizobium sp and
Bacillus subtilis BC1. More shoot numbers was obtained in case of cytokinin sample from E.coli K12 with a height
measuring to 3.5 cm in media with activated charcoal and 2.3 cm in media without activated charcoal. Similarly, PM3,
PM4, PM5, and PM6 were also tried with various enrichment factors incorporated into the medium and the production
was compared for cytokinin production.


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How to Cite
Sasmita Sabat, Shantha S L, & V Krishna Murthy. (2013). Study of Microbial Cytokinin Production Under Various Enriched Conditions and its Effect on Plant Growth. International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (IJFAS), 2(1), 12–15.