Documentation of pollution status, ecological state and fishing activity in the Lakes of Bangalore

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P. Arya Alok
Sushree Sangita Mohapatra


The documentation and investigative study are based on the pollution status, ecological state and fishing activity in surveyed Lakes of Bangalore. The 14 Lakes form different series of Bangalore were documented. The pollution status of these Lakes was categorized into 5 divisions like highly polluted, polluted, eutrophicated, restored and under restoration process. The physico-chemical parameters like BOD, COD, DO, pH, temperature and turbidity were analysed. Fishing activity signifies the socio-economic status of localities which is threatened due to heavy pollution. The avi- faunal diversity was also observed in the lake area, which basically shows the ecological state of those. The anthropogenic activity aroused by urbanization and industrialization is the main cause of pollution and which ultimately causes the loss of biodiversity.


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How to Cite
P. Arya Alok, & Sushree Sangita Mohapatra. (2018). Documentation of pollution status, ecological state and fishing activity in the Lakes of Bangalore. International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (IJFAS), 7(4), 80–91.
Author Biography

Sushree Sangita Mohapatra

Department of Zoology, North Odisha University, Takatpur, Odisha,
Contact: +91-9583791971