Title: Bamboo as ‘Green gold’: current research and future perspectives

Deadline: March 2024

Guest Editor

Name: Dr. Arvind Kumar Goyal

Affiliation: Department of Biotechnology, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar-783370, BTR, Assam, India

E-Mail: arvindgoyal210883@gmail.com


CO-Guest Editor

Name: Ms. Illora Narzary

Affiliation: Department of Zoology, Baosi Banikanta Kakati College, Barpeta 781311, Assam, India

E-Mail: itnarzary143@gmail.com



Bamboo, a fast-growing woody grass, has garnered significant attention in recent years due to its versatile applications and sustainable characteristics. Bamboo as Green Gold" highlights the economic, environmental, and social benefits that bamboo offers. Bamboo truly embodies the concept of "green gold" by providing solutions for various challenges related to sustainability, climate change, and rural development. Embracing bamboo's versatility in construction, textiles, energy, food, medicine and beyond holds promising future perspectives for a greener and more sustainable world. Thus, this special issue invites articles related to but not limited to the following topics:

Current Research Trends:

  1. Sustainable Construction Materials
  2. Textiles and Fashion Industry
  3. Bioenergy and Biofuels
  4. Erosion Control and Land Restoration
  5. Agroforestry and Biodiversity
  6. Food and Medicine

Future Perspectives:

  • Industrial Applications
  • Climate Change Mitigation
  • Economic Empowerment
  • Cross-disciplinary Collaboration



Submission Link:

