miRNA Database: A database on miRNA expressions in cell lines

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Narayanaswamy RamachandraSwam
DyaveGowda Padmashree


miRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules which regulate the gene expression at translational and post-transcriptional level by
targeting mRNA. In today’s world miRNA have enormous role in various functions which involves vertebrates, invertebrates,
plants and viruses etc., to know the importance of each miRNA candidates in human and mice, we designed this database called as
miRNA Database, which integrate the data from various sources and explain functions of each miRNA candidate and their
expressions in cell lines. Currently miRNA Database gives the information of 100 miRNA lists and expression in different cell
types. Future approach: We are going to incorporate some of the remaining miRNAs and also update the existing miRNAs list.


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How to Cite
Narayanaswamy RamachandraSwam, & DyaveGowda Padmashree. (2015). miRNA Database: A database on miRNA expressions in cell lines. International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (IJFAS), 4(2), 37–38. https://doi.org/10.59415/ijfas.v4i2.72
Author Biography

Narayanaswamy RamachandraSwam

Department of Biochemistry, Central College Campus, Bangalore
University, Bangalore-560 001, India
Phone no. +91 9845419880
E-mail: drnrswamy@bub.ernet.in