Tree Diversity And Economic Importance Of Forest Trees Of Kashmir (Jammu And Kashmir), INDIA
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The paper throws light on diversity of trees of forests of Kashmir of Jammu And Kashmir State. Methodology: Present
study is based on the extensive and intensive field surveys made during 2007-2008. Various forest areas were visited for the
identification of tree species and their economic importance. Various forest areas were visited for the identification of tree
species and their economic importance. The areas including Drang Tangmerg, Gulmarg, Dachigam, Lolab and Karanah valley.
Information on the utilization of trees for curing common ailments was obtained from people of the above forest areas.
Conversation regarding the economic importance of plants was especially done with the elderly men, hakims and tribals.
Repeated queries were made to get the data verified and confirmed. The plant specimens were dried using the standard
herbarium techniques. The specimens were identified using Hooker method. Wherever necessary, comparisons were made with
herbarium specimens in the herbarium of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. Survey Results: Botanical names, English/
common/local/Vernacular names, family, fruiting and flowering period, distribution and uses (wherever known) of 53 species
belonging to 33 genera and 21 families are provided. Conclusion: Present study has revealed the occurrence of 53 species
belonging to 33 genera under 21 families. The most dominant family as per the number of genera is Pinaceae family followed
by Betulaceae. And the most dominant genera is Prunus which is having 6 species. The study reveals that there are 10
gymnosperms and 43 angiosperms in the forests of Kashmir. The present work gives a detailed account of economic importance
of forest trees of Kashmir. The work shows the relevance of plants to the problems of health care, food, agriculture
improvements, conservation of genetic resources and to economic welfare of the tribal is emphasized. The work should rightly
be applied to the natural and direct relationship of people with plants at any level of antiquity
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