Phytochemical and histochemical studies on Solanum diphyllum L.- An exotic potent weed

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Raman Verma
Sharmistha Dutta


Plant-based substances are seeking attention due to their substantial medical benefits. Medicinally, as well as in terms of poisoning and psychotropic effects, members of the family Solanaceae have been of great importance and used throughout history. The present study mainly focuses on the identification and location ofan important exotic plant speciesSolanumdiphyllum L. proven to be a potentially fast-spreading weed being reported from various states of South India and the detection of important biologically active chemical compounds in the same to look into the discovery of new herbal formulations and their curative properties for treatment of common ailments.


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How to Cite
Raman Verma, & Sharmistha Dutta. (2020). Phytochemical and histochemical studies on Solanum diphyllum L.- An exotic potent weed. International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (IJFAS), 9(1), 1–3.
Author Biography

Raman Verma

Department of Botany, Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for
Women, Autonomous Bengaluru – 560 012
Phone no. +91-7483398466